Which Female Celebrities Would You Want To Be Friends With?

girl gangHere is a question for you-

Which female celebrities would you want to be friends with? As part of your girl gang, if you will.

I would definitely want-

Jennifer Lawrence (because I think she’s hilarious. seriously why does she not do more comedies?!)

Anna Kendrick (because there isn’t anything she isn’t good at. see also Anne Hathaway)

Blake Lively (because of her sense of style, amazing hair, and her husband is pretty hot)

Anne Hathaway (because there isn’t anything she isn’t good at. did you guys see THIS?)

Mindy Kaling (because she has a great sense of humor)

Beyonce (because she’s Beyonce. Also, she’s from Texas)

and last but not least, Kate Middleton (because shes a freaking Princess!)


Who would be in your girl gang? Let us know in the comments!

Ashley xx


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