30 Facts About Ashley

Get To Know Me A Little Better

30 Facts About Ashley

Guys it’s been YEARS since we shared some random facts about us on here. We’ve done some Q&A videos over on YouTube where we answer lots of reader questions in a little more detail so definitely check those out if you haven’t seen them yet. But for today, here are 30 random facts about Ashley! 

  1. Pickles are one of my favorite foods. My least favorite food is bananas.
  2. Grey is my favorite color
  3. I HATE warm weather. Give me all the snow and warm cozy layers.
  4. I have a degree in fashion design and a minor in business from Baylor University
  5. Fun fact- Baylor was actually the only college I applied to. I was in the process of applying to others, but I found out very early I was accepted to Baylor, and that’s where I wanted to go so I never submitted any other applications!
  6. I worked at Express when I was in college
  7. I lived in NYC for a summer in college and interned for Betsey Johnson
  8. I also studied abroad in London for a summer in college
  9. My first pet was a guinea pig named Moon-Pie when I was in middle school. The class pet had babies and my parents let me take one home!
  10. I broke my foot in 6th grade and had to wear a boot on it for several months before ultimately having surgery.
  11. I was a competitive dancer for 14 years growing up
  12. I am awful at spelling
  13. I once had a kidney stone for 5 days and that was the worse pain I’ve ever experienced. It’s supposed to be worse than childbirth. Once I’ve experienced both I’ll let you know.
  14. I broke my shoulder a few years ago after tripping and falling while crossing the street trying to race Shelby home.
  15. About a year and a half ago I had surgery to remove a benign pituitary tumor from my brain.
  16. I still can’t spell pituitary correctly the first time (see number 12).
  17. Tex-Mex is my favorite kind of food. Give me chips and salsa all day every day.
  18. I’ve been a vegetarian for over 10 years. While I do eat plant-based I am NOT vegan. I love cheese too much.
  19. I love to read and usually am reading multiple books at once
  20. I love to binge watch TV shows
  21. My all time favorite TV show is Friends
  22. My guilty pleasure TV show is anything from The Bachelor franchise
  23. I had a dog named Pixie I got my sophomore year of college. She passed away pretty suddenly a few years ago and I was devastated.
  24. I am an introvert
  25. I love dark chocolate
  26. My ideal night is sitting on the couch with  glass of wine watching a good TV show
  27. The most scared I’ve ever been in my life is driving through a mountain pass in Jackson Hole last year in the pitch black dark through a snow storm
  28. I’ve always wanted to be an entrepreneur
  29. I love photography
  30. And because Shelby asked, my dream dinner party would include Oprah, Michelle Obama, Kate Middleton, Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock, Ann Hathaway, and Blake Lively.

Ok, your turn! List 5 random facts about you in the comments below!



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