5 Highlights From The Month Of February

So Many Great Memories That Will Be Cherished Forever

5 Highlights From The Month Of February

February was such a great month for us. It was short, but we were able to experience some amazing things. It all started off with some recovery. We spent the entire (very long) month of January really focusing on our health & wellness with a very big focus on our diet. We talked about it here, here, and here but in short I was working with a possible autoimmune diagnosis, and Ashley wanted to really focus on a healing diet for her gut. We were actually very successful, but it didn’t come without its challenges. It was a very big struggle adding meat back into our diets. Physically and mentally it was a journey. In the end though we were both happy that we did it. 

Growing from that, we have now transitioned back into a plant based diet with a very large focus on intuitive eating. I have to say, that I don’t crave sugar or processed foods that much, and I am finding myself craving vegetables. This coming from the girl who didn’t touch any greens until college and rarely ate any other vegetables. We went to Trader Joe’s over the weekend and I bought almost all vegetables! I don’t know who has taken over my body, but I sure am glad for it!

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]5 Highlights From The Month Of February[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]5 Highlights From The Month Of February[/one_half_last]

Okay okay! We have harped on so much about AIP and health & wellness so I am going to move on now! Halfway through the month we went home to Dallas to spend a fun weekend with our parents. Our dad’s birthday is Valentine’s Day, so we went home the weekend after to celebrate. Since we will be spending our mom’s birthday with her in Copenhagen, we knew we had to go home and see our dad! We didn’t write any blog posts about our trip, but we did vlog, which you can see right here!

A Fun Weekend In Los Angeles

Two days after we got back to NYC from Dallas it was time to turn right back around and head to Southern California! We went out there to attend Create & Cultivate. This one day conference is full of so many inspiring women and entrepreneurs who are killing it in their fields. We attended in NYC last year and were so excited to head back again. This one was no exception! It was absolutely phenomenal! We haven’t gone into a ton of detail about it, but this conference is not just for bloggers. It’s not even a blogging conference at all. It is all about women, business, empowerment, and supporting each other! They will be announcing the next one soon, and we would love it for y’all to attend as well. We would love to meet you, but more importantly we want you to be inspired!

5 Highlights From The Month Of February

[one_half padding=”0 3px 0 0px”]5 Highlights From The Month Of February[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 3px”]5 Highlights From The Month Of February[/one_half_last]

While we were in California we headed out to Palm Springs, which is a place neither of us had ever been to before. We were only there for 24 hours, but it was such a fun little place. We spent most of our time in Joshua Tree National Park which was absolutely incredible! We have actually been to a good chunk of the national parks and this one is really up there with our favorites! 

It was a very busy month, but we are so thankful for all of the opportunities that we have to learn, grow, travel, and succeed. Believe me, we do not take it for granted. That’s why we choose to be very present in the moment of everything that we are experiencing. Life is a gift, and we are choosing to live it out to its fullest! Have a great week everyone!

-Shelbs xx


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