Transitioning Into Healthier Eating

Food Is Fuel For Your Body

Transitioning Into Healthier Eating

I’ve learned a lot over the past year about finding a healthy balance with food, intuitive eating, and wellness. I have talked about this a lot, but growing up I did not eat healthy at all. I basically just ate grilled cheese, pizza, mac & cheese and sweets. The only reason I was able to get away with this was because I was really active. I never gained a ton of weight, so I didn’t really understand what was happening to my body. When I was in college I found out that I was lactose intolerant and sensitive to soy. I had started living with Ashley in NYC at this point, so I also ate pretty much vegetarian. So, for someone who hated vegetable this didn’t leave me with very much to eat.

Over the past 6 years I have really stepped up my game, but it wasn’t until last December when my body was basically shutting down, did I fully realize what food does to your body. You are meant to eat to fuel your body and I wasn’t doing that at all. We did AIP at the beginning of the year, and I’m really glad we did. It showed me that I can eat healthy foods and enjoy them, but I know that’s something I can’t really follow for the rest of my life. I have like zero willpower, and I like treating myself just as much as the next person. For example, I was really craving mac & cheese the other night. This is totally a treat for me now, because I really only have it maybe 2 or 3 times a year. Every time I eat it and I bloat to looking 6 months pregnant I’m reminded why I don’t eat it.

The thing about “healthy eating” is that it is personal and different for every single person. What works for Ashley does not work for me and vice versa. This is something you should really talk to your doctor about and see what things your body is lacking and what you should be eating to refuel that. So, apply these tips to your needs and see if you to can transition into eating a little healthier.

Water is Key. You should be drinking at least eight 8-ounce glasses every single day. Now you might be thinking, “Oh yeah, I totally do that!” I’m here to tell you that you most likely are not. Try actually writing it down every single day. You are probably only getting about 5 of those 8. Water will keep you hydrated, but it will also keep you fuller longer, and help you digest your food. 

Snack Snack Snack. Don’t be afraid of snacking. I can’t eat really big meals. I’m snacking pretty much all day, slightly larger portions as my “meals”. The key to this is to snack on healthy options. Instead of doritos, grab some almonds. Craving chocolate? Grab some fruit instead. Don’t keep sugary, fatty, unhealthy foods in the house. You won’t be as tempted if they aren’t around. 

Transitioning Into Healthier Eating

Treat Yourself. If you want a treat just eat it. I’m serious. Don’t deprive yourself. That just leads to an unhealthy mindset about food. If you eat a donut one day, that is not going to completely reverse everything you have accomplished. If a donut brings you happiness, just like it does me, than eat one! 

Meal Planning. Ash and I differ on this, but I think meal planning is great. You know what you are going to eat, so you can get excited about it. This also helps you from making something unhealthy last minute because you are frustrated and don’t know what to cook. 

Make a Grocery List. This goes along with the meal planning, but if you have a list in the store than you are less likely to buy things that are tempting you. Set a goal for yourself that you will only buy the things on your list. It truly helps me. You have to also make sure that the things you are buying are balanced for what your body needs. Again, you should talk to your doctor about this because everyone is different. 

Have Greens At Every Meal. I’m not going to lie, this is the hardest one for me to apply to my life, but something I have been truly trying to do. It can be hard, but it can also be really easy. I like to have avocado toast at breakfast, and I add micro greens on top. At lunch there are greens in my protein powder, but I also add spinach to my smoothies! That is the perfect way to incorporate them for someone who doesn’t like the taste. Dinner is super easy to add greens, and I have been trying out different ways to cook vegetables to see how I like them. 

Make Smarter Choices When Eating Out. When we went out for brunch I used to always be the person who ordered pancakes or waffles. I actually can’t even tell you the last time I did that now. When I am looking at the menu I have to stop and think about how some of those foods would make me feel if I order them. I’m the basic girl that now orders avocado toast everywhere, and I am not ashamed at all!

What are your tips for transitioning into a healthier lifestyle? Let us know down below!

-Shelbs xx


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